What in the heck is this? That bed spread hasn't been cleaned in like... And when was the last time that carpet was vacuumed? These are all valid questions, if you were my mother. Since you're not my mother (I assume) you're probably focusing on the pages strewn about my bedroom. So what exactly is going on here? It's the next phase ladies and gents. Step 17 or something in the AdMech FanDex adventure I'm on.
This was the last day of editing in which I wasted countless pieces of paper (or 55) in order to visually see the layout format for the codex. Currently I'm holding in my hand the playtesting draft of the FanDex, which is causing me to type very slowly... So I'll finish up by saying that closed-beta playtesting will run through October, possibly longer depending on how I feel about it and then open-beta playtesting will be available for the masses. And as always, click the link in the top right corner for daily updates.