Well, it's back. 40k Radio has returned to the intarwebz thanks to Battle Foam's Romeo Filip taking an interest in its resurrection. So how is it? Who's the new crew and how did they handle things? Was there a commercial for Battle Foam shoved in every 37 seconds? These answers and more after the break!
July 18, 2010
July 15, 2010
Next Up: Adeptus Mechanicus (Updated)
Update 07/18/10:
Hit a speed bump yesterday so I'm probably behind by a week now in order to iron out some new additions I put off making until a week after the last second. My list of Heavy Support didn't seem hefty enough, so I'll be including a variant of a long favorite in the 40k community.
Update 07/22/10:
I decided to include my update log on here as well, so enjoy the slow crawl:
06-07-10 – 5th Edition rule updates
06-08-10 – 5th Edition rule updates
06-10-10 – 5th Edition rule updates
06-12-10 – Stat experimentation
06-14-10 – Stat experimentation
06-15-10 – Stat experimentation
06-17-10 – Army Special Rule changes
06-18-10 – Unit Special Rule changes
06-20-10 – Unit Special Rule changes
06-21-10 – Army Special Rule additions
06-22-10 – Stat restructuring
06-24-10 – Stat restructuring
06-26-10 – Grammar and spelling updates
06-27-10 – Stat restructuring
06-29-10 – Unit and Army Special Rule changes
07-01-10 – Question the existence of God and stat restructuring
07-03-10 – Vehicle Special rule experimentation
07-04-10 – Codex structure updates
07-05-10 – Codex structure updates
07-06-10 – Wargear collaboration and restructure
07-07-10 – Armory point value evaluation
07-08-10 – Beginning Army List collaboration
07-09-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation
07-10-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation
07-11-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation
07-12-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation
07-13-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation
07-14-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation
07-15-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation
07-16-10 – Contemplating suicide
07-17-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation
07-18-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation07-21-10 – Restructure of Army List format
07-22-10 – Restructure of Army List format
07-26-10 – Restructure of Army List format
07-28-10 – Restructure of Army List format
07-29-10 – Restructure of Army List format
07-30-10 – Restructure of Army List format
08-02-10 – Restructure of Army List format and continued Army List collaboration
08-05-10 – Restructure of Army List format
08-10-10 – Restructure of Army List format
08-11-10 – Restructure of Army List format
08-13-10 – Final unit addition
08-14-10 – Final unit addition
08-16-10 – Fluff/Lore additions
08-17-10 – Fluff/Lore additions, Cleanup for Rough Draft
08-18-10 - Rough Draft Complete!
08-19-10 - Closed Beta Read-Through for Grammar
08-29-10 - Sneak peek at one of the Special Characters:
09-05-10 - Editing
09-06-10 - Editing
09-07-10 - Editing
09-08-10 - Editing
09-09-10 - Editing
09-10-10 - Editing
09-11-10 - Editing
09-18-10 - Editing
09-19-10 - Editing
09-20-10 - Rule Review and Editing
09-21-10 - Rule Review and Editing
09-22-10 - Rule Review and Editing
09-23-10 - Rule Review and Editing
09-24-10 - Rule Review and Editing
09-25-10 - Rule Review and Editing
09-26-10 - Editing
09-28-10 - Rule Review and Editing
09-29-10 - Editing
10-01-10 - Closed-Beta Playtesting
10-02-10 - Rule Review and Editing
10-03-10 - Rule Review and Editing
10-06-10 - Editing
10-07-10 - Editing
10-13-10 - Editing
10-17-10 - Continued Closed-Beta Playtesting
10-18-10 - Editing
10-19-10 - Editing
10-21-10 - Editing
10-22-10 - Editing
10-23-10 - Editing
10-24-10 - Continued Closed-Beta Playtesting
10-25-10 - Editing
10-27-10 - Editing
10-28-10 - Unit Addition
10-29-10 - Unit Addition
10-31-10 - Editing
11-01-10 - Unit Addition
11-02-10 - Editing
11-04-10 - Editing
11-06-10 - Editing
11-07-10 - Continued Closed-Beta Playtesting
11-08-10 - Editing
11-10-10 - Editing
11-11-10 - Editing
11-13-10 - Editing
11-14-10 - Editing and Continued Closed-Beta Playtesting
11-15-10 - Editing
11-16-10 - Editing
11-17-10 - Open-beta released!
12-06-10 - FAQ for v5.120610.L Released!
Update 02/08/11:
As you all have noticed, I'm no longer putting minimal updates on this post. It's a needless hassle I don't want to deal with. With that, know that I'm working on the FanDex almost every day and I now have a small team working on this rather than just my lonesome self so things are moving along at a great pace. As I mentioned in my post a couple of days ago, you should see the new version of the FanDex before February. The newest version is a lot more clean as far as rules go, "stream-lined" if you will. There are countless major changes and modification that have been made in order for this FanDex to be as playable as possible. The battlereports are still coming in and I would like to thank everyone who's participating very much and I hope the next beta is even more entertaining for everyone.
While I can't toss out all the information I have on the new version (as that would be near impossible for one,) I won't leave you without some detail. Essentially, most of the previous Imperial vehicles from other codices have been removed and/or replaced. This was the complaint I saw the most, too many vehicles we've already seen before. While I personally think it makes sense that the creators of IG and SM vehicles would bring those with them when they go on their Tech Quests since they're always readily available, I do have to agree that it makes the FanDex feel less personal. We have how many SM codices right now? Yeah, no one wants another SM dex, even in partial. So here's the juice.
New unit entries you'll see in the next version:
Update 02/21/11:
A couple of weeks ago I added a few units to the FanDex that I forgot to post here. Once again, names are all I'm giving out at this time. Worry not, I'm estimating the next version of the FanDex is about one week away.
The 2nd version for beta testing (v5.022811.L) is up! Enjoy!
Update 03/29/11:
The new FAQ is up for the second version of the fandex!
Update 04/04/11:
Clarifications on the Walking Transport Special Rule have been posted.
Update 04/25/11:
I'm pleased to announce I now have a team of four to-be-named fluff writers working hard on the fluff entries for the fandex. I'm excited to turn this fandex into more than a rulebook come the next version. Hopefully those of you that enjoy fluff as well will enjoy what the team has in store for you.
Update 04/29/11:
As some of you might have seen, there has been a series of articles I've written about the AdMech FanDex's past, present and future on MWC. In the third article I mentioned the following units are to be included in the fandex's next version:
Update 05/17/11:
Announcement of the Fluff-Writing Team.
Update 06/02/11:
Updates here will stop as keeping up with this log is getting a little tedious. With changes happening so rapidly I would be updating this thing daily and that time is better spent elsewhere. Just know the project continues and I'll be updating you all here as time goes on.
Hit a speed bump yesterday so I'm probably behind by a week now in order to iron out some new additions I put off making until a week after the last second. My list of Heavy Support didn't seem hefty enough, so I'll be including a variant of a long favorite in the 40k community.
Update 07/22/10:
I decided to include my update log on here as well, so enjoy the slow crawl:
06-07-10 – 5th Edition rule updates
06-08-10 – 5th Edition rule updates
06-10-10 – 5th Edition rule updates
06-12-10 – Stat experimentation
06-14-10 – Stat experimentation
06-15-10 – Stat experimentation
06-17-10 – Army Special Rule changes
06-18-10 – Unit Special Rule changes
06-20-10 – Unit Special Rule changes
06-21-10 – Army Special Rule additions
06-22-10 – Stat restructuring
06-24-10 – Stat restructuring
06-26-10 – Grammar and spelling updates
06-27-10 – Stat restructuring
06-29-10 – Unit and Army Special Rule changes
07-01-10 – Question the existence of God and stat restructuring
07-03-10 – Vehicle Special rule experimentation
07-04-10 – Codex structure updates
07-05-10 – Codex structure updates
07-06-10 – Wargear collaboration and restructure
07-07-10 – Armory point value evaluation
07-08-10 – Beginning Army List collaboration
07-09-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation
07-10-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation
07-11-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation
07-12-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation
07-13-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation
07-14-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation
07-15-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation
07-16-10 – Contemplating suicide
07-17-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation
07-18-10 – Army List collaboration and point value evaluation07-21-10 – Restructure of Army List format
07-22-10 – Restructure of Army List format
07-26-10 – Restructure of Army List format
07-28-10 – Restructure of Army List format
07-29-10 – Restructure of Army List format
07-30-10 – Restructure of Army List format
08-02-10 – Restructure of Army List format and continued Army List collaboration
08-05-10 – Restructure of Army List format
08-10-10 – Restructure of Army List format
08-11-10 – Restructure of Army List format
08-13-10 – Final unit addition
08-14-10 – Final unit addition
08-16-10 – Fluff/Lore additions
08-17-10 – Fluff/Lore additions, Cleanup for Rough Draft
08-18-10 - Rough Draft Complete!
08-19-10 - Closed Beta Read-Through for Grammar
08-29-10 - Sneak peek at one of the Special Characters:
09-05-10 - Editing
09-06-10 - Editing
09-07-10 - Editing
09-08-10 - Editing
09-09-10 - Editing
09-10-10 - Editing
09-11-10 - Editing
09-18-10 - Editing
09-19-10 - Editing
09-20-10 - Rule Review and Editing
09-21-10 - Rule Review and Editing
09-22-10 - Rule Review and Editing
09-23-10 - Rule Review and Editing
09-24-10 - Rule Review and Editing
09-25-10 - Rule Review and Editing
09-26-10 - Editing
09-28-10 - Rule Review and Editing
09-29-10 - Editing
10-01-10 - Closed-Beta Playtesting
10-02-10 - Rule Review and Editing
10-03-10 - Rule Review and Editing
10-06-10 - Editing
10-07-10 - Editing
10-13-10 - Editing
10-17-10 - Continued Closed-Beta Playtesting
10-18-10 - Editing
10-19-10 - Editing
10-21-10 - Editing
10-22-10 - Editing
10-23-10 - Editing
10-24-10 - Continued Closed-Beta Playtesting
10-25-10 - Editing
10-27-10 - Editing
10-28-10 - Unit Addition
10-29-10 - Unit Addition
10-31-10 - Editing
11-01-10 - Unit Addition
11-02-10 - Editing
11-04-10 - Editing
11-06-10 - Editing
11-07-10 - Continued Closed-Beta Playtesting
11-08-10 - Editing
11-10-10 - Editing
11-11-10 - Editing
11-13-10 - Editing
11-14-10 - Editing and Continued Closed-Beta Playtesting
11-15-10 - Editing
11-16-10 - Editing
11-17-10 - Open-beta released!
12-06-10 - FAQ for v5.120610.L Released!
Update 02/08/11:
As you all have noticed, I'm no longer putting minimal updates on this post. It's a needless hassle I don't want to deal with. With that, know that I'm working on the FanDex almost every day and I now have a small team working on this rather than just my lonesome self so things are moving along at a great pace. As I mentioned in my post a couple of days ago, you should see the new version of the FanDex before February. The newest version is a lot more clean as far as rules go, "stream-lined" if you will. There are countless major changes and modification that have been made in order for this FanDex to be as playable as possible. The battlereports are still coming in and I would like to thank everyone who's participating very much and I hope the next beta is even more entertaining for everyone.
While I can't toss out all the information I have on the new version (as that would be near impossible for one,) I won't leave you without some detail. Essentially, most of the previous Imperial vehicles from other codices have been removed and/or replaced. This was the complaint I saw the most, too many vehicles we've already seen before. While I personally think it makes sense that the creators of IG and SM vehicles would bring those with them when they go on their Tech Quests since they're always readily available, I do have to agree that it makes the FanDex feel less personal. We have how many SM codices right now? Yeah, no one wants another SM dex, even in partial. So here's the juice.
New unit entries you'll see in the next version:
- Knight Titan
- Tech-Priest Transmechanic
- Phantous
- The Forsaken
- Gant
- Cantharis
Update 02/21/11:
A couple of weeks ago I added a few units to the FanDex that I forgot to post here. Once again, names are all I'm giving out at this time. Worry not, I'm estimating the next version of the FanDex is about one week away.
- Caminus-Priest
- Cult Abomination
- Divexo Beacon
The 2nd version for beta testing (v5.022811.L) is up! Enjoy!
Update 03/29/11:
The new FAQ is up for the second version of the fandex!
Update 04/04/11:
Clarifications on the Walking Transport Special Rule have been posted.
Update 04/25/11:
I'm pleased to announce I now have a team of four to-be-named fluff writers working hard on the fluff entries for the fandex. I'm excited to turn this fandex into more than a rulebook come the next version. Hopefully those of you that enjoy fluff as well will enjoy what the team has in store for you.
Update 04/29/11:
As some of you might have seen, there has been a series of articles I've written about the AdMech FanDex's past, present and future on MWC. In the third article I mentioned the following units are to be included in the fandex's next version:
- Imperial Jetbikes
- Iron Father
- Iron Hands
- Textura
- Tech-Priest Artifex
- Solus Infiltrator
- Luceo Rollers
- Termite
Update 05/17/11:
Announcement of the Fluff-Writing Team.
Update 06/02/11:
Updates here will stop as keeping up with this log is getting a little tedious. With changes happening so rapidly I would be updating this thing daily and that time is better spent elsewhere. Just know the project continues and I'll be updating you all here as time goes on.
Adeptus Mechanicus,
Fan Dex
July 3, 2010
Combi-Weapon Kit
A quick shout out to a website I have just found via Dark Future Games and a product that, after viewing it, made my pants fit better. The website is chapterhousestudios.com and the product is as my title would entail: Space Marine Combi-Weapons. The kit includes 1 Combi-Bolter and 4 magnetized attachments (grenade, plasma, melta and flamer.)

Now, if you know me at all (or have checked out the title of the page you're on,) you know I love magnets and I also love Combi-Bolters. Needless to say, I just purchased 8 of these within minutes of witnessing them. I don't see this being my last purchase from this place, either. These guys sell a wide variety of custom made bits at very cheap prices.
As for the future of The Magnet Pro, I have my next army choice selected and I'll be working out a post soon to explain the plan for said army. So stay tuned for that.
Later days.
Shout Outs
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