Hello again! Today I have another first attempt that went quite well. First I'll explain how this came to be. I like my Dreadnoughts, a lot, but I like them even more when they're dressed up in something smexy like a Drop Pod. But if you've ever seen a
GW Drop Pod, you might wonder how a Dread might fit inside one. I thought the same thing. So I took a trip over to Forgeworld and BAM!

I found this hawt item. Unfortunately I'm not into spending almost 100 bucks on a Drop Pod. So I took to my elite Google searching skills and found
this video on youtube. So, a Dread CAN fit in a GW Drop Pod. Bloody Brilliant. Well, I'm here to share how to complete this man's genius idea through my own tutorial. *Queue Mr. Roger's Neighborhood Theme Song* Join me, won't you?